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Translations/Abstracts by Wu Ta-Yeh and Wu Teng Shu-Hsien

Taijiquan Tutelage of Palo Alto Logo

(November 1978 in T'ai Chi magazine)

The following is an abstract from Tung Ying-chieh’s "Taichichuan Explained." It is translated by Wu Ta-yeh and Wu Ten Shu-hsien.

"In Taichichuan, although there is internal hardness, you aim at external softness. Through prolonged practice, you will get the internal hardness. The difficulty is to confine the hardness inwardly without expressing it outwardly. By encountering hardness with softness, you can neutralize the hardness of your opponent."

Translators’ Note: This is the meaning of the classics’ statement: "Be extremely pliable in order to be extremely strong." In the words of Yang Cheng-fu, "Taichichuan is an art of implying hardness in softness, or hiding steel in cotton."

Chen Hsien said, "There should be no apparent shade of softness and hardness. It is rightly called Taichi, meaning softness and hardness merged without trace."

Revised: 4/16/00